Saturday 7 September 2019

Reflections on the Great North Run

When I was at school, I hated running. I was not very good at it, and I felt that running hated me. Not that I hated exercise or wasn't sporty. I was. Sport being Cricket or Rugby, Squash of Golf or even sprinting (100m obviously, not 200m). Not running (anything over 100m!). Running meant enforced cross country running in the cold and wet. I was not a runner.

And so it was for most of my adult life. I was not a runner. I played squash, trained in the gym and rode my bike.

In 2015 I decided to stretch myself and take part in a triathlon ( a short one, but a triathlon none the less). My struggles with swimming not withstanding, it was the idea of running 5km that caused me the most stress.

"Couch to 5k" on my  phone to the rescue and after a few months I ran 5km without stopping. Hurray! Still not really a runner though. However triathlon box ticked (for now).

It should be noted at this point that I have a "list". This is a list of challenges that I decided some time ago needed to be completed. It contained amongst other things- a triathlon, 10k run, End to end on a bike and other non energetic pursuits. It is documented in a previous post).

Fast forwards 18  months and I have not run again, not even for the bus. So when my Park Gym group decided we should run the Worcester City 10k, I was all over it! Starting from scratch again I slowly (very slowly) building up distance to the seemingly impossible and mythical  10k. It seemed so far and for most of the time so unachievable. Of course it was achievable and the race was duly completed in a reasonable time and much celebration was had.

What next? Well not much really. Back to the gym mostly and definitely no running. I pretended to be interested in doing a half marathon, but my heart  was not in it. It seemed so far. Too far for a big non runner like me.

Then in March 2019, out of the blue, I received an email from Simply Health (Denplan) confirming my place in the Great North Run for September 8th 2019!!! It seems I had asked my Denplan rep if there was a spare place for me at some point in the middle of the night at the last Conference. I may not have been sober. Oops. I seem to recall that is exactly how I ended up cycling from John O'Groats to Lands End in 2014. I really must learn from this.

What else could I do, but say yes, and immediately put a post on Facebook announcing my intention to do this iconic race in 5 months time. Secretly knowing that I could and would pull out nearer the date. No problem.

Then the unthinkable. A client donated £30 to my just giving page! Within 10 minutes of it appearing! Not even my patient, but one of Karen's! That  was it, I was committed. Better think about training.

My mindset at that time was very negative- "I am not a runner", " I can always just walk it", but I am nothing if not stubborn and determined.

A chance meeting with Chris Barrow at the Dentistry Show completely changed my outlook. Totally changed it. Smashed my old mindset to pieces. In the space of a brief 5 minute conversation, my running negativity was flushed away and replaced. I was no longer "not a runner", I was and "inexperienced runner" with a plan.

Thank you Chris form the bottom of my heart. Your Jedi mind tricks worked wonders. Thank you to my business partner Karen Sutton too. She told me to slow down in training and concentrate on the distance, and also to listen to spoken word not music, which helped more than I imagined.

Whilst I am thanking people. I cant do any of these things without the love and support from Steve Timms.

The Plan-

  • Target a run of 15.8km on 25 August, being 3/4 distance 2 weeks before race day.
  • Extend my long run each weekend by 0.8 to 1 km from my staring point (5km) to the target.
  • Get in 2 or 3 shorter runs throughout the week.

And it was. Sort of. Not easy so much, as achievable. For the last 6 weekends I have run further than I have ever run before. That's quite a feeling of achievement every weekend. Suddenly a half marathon became exciting, achievable straightforwards even.

So, I am writing this on the train to Newcastle. Excited about doing something that I have watched countless thousands of other proper runners do around the streets of my hometown. I will do it, I will complete it in a respectable time and I will enjoy it immensely.

As in life, it is all about mindset, determination to succeed and positivity. Just keep going.

I am a runner.

Until next time.
