Wednesday 25 March 2015

Things I dont like very much (Hate is such a negative word!)

Things I dont like very much 
(Hate is such a negative word!)

  1. The Daily Mail- such a negative, hateful, spiteful rag
  2. Mothers driving in the morning school run- always in such a dangerous hurry- GET UP EARLIER!
  3. Beetroot
  4. Primativo/Zinfandel
  5. Rudeness
  6. Poor Service
  7. Rubbish Pseudo American R+B
  8. Litter
  9. Ingratitude
  10. Mushrooms (all of them!)
  11. Tequila
  12. My own laziness
  13. Dishonesty
  14. Religious Bigots
  15. Waitrose in Malvern on a Thursday
  16. Tomato Ketchup, heinz or otherwise
  17. Smelly people
  18. The A14
  19. and the M40
  20. Fake Smiles
  21. Chelsea Tractors
  22. Champagne Socialists
  23. Slow broadband
  24. Rats!!
  25. any other rodent
  26. Bad parking on West Malvern Rd
  27. Unpleasant Football rivalries ( even Sunderland AFC)
  28. Bullies
  29. especially homophobic bullies
  30. Cheap French Wine
  31. Confrontation
  32. Arrogance
  33. My own overweightness
  34. and occaisional lack of will power
  35. haircuts

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