Friday 7 August 2015

Challenges and other things

First post for a while- sorry, life has been very busy. Amongst other things I have got divorced (amicably) and sold my practice. My life is now wonderfully simple and I can focus on other things- more in my next post!

Those of you who know me have probably got used to my seemingly never ending stream of ridiculous challenges and fundraising activities. This year I decided that my comfort zone needed expanding again, and I have done enough bike challenges that they don't seem to be enough of a challenge ( Last years End to End has seen to that!). So what to do?

Well obviously since I don't swim well, and don't run well and I have done neither "seriously" for 25 years+ , I should do a Triathlon! It has always been something on my bucket list, but I have managed to find excuses for years. Well no more excuses.

Warwickshire Sprint Triathlon in September - 400m swim, 23km cycle, 5km run= EASY! Well the cycle will be easy, but 400m is futher than I have swam IN TOTAL in 25 years, and I have not run further than the length of a squash court since I was student ( and not much then). So it is a big challenge.

To add spice to the mix, my business partner Karen Sutton is also doing it and it has become a contest between us ( we are both a tiny bit competitive!).

Of course there needs to be a fundraising element to it, which involves the two charities closest to our respective hearts:

  • Dental Mavericks for me (, helping to provide dental care for the Berber children of Morocco .
  • Community Action Malvern for Karen,which helps various voluntary groups in the Malvern area
Today marks 50 days to go, and I am still a long way from being able to swim 400m, but closer to my running goals. The training goes on ( including swimming coaching from my kids, who have taken pity on my woeful technique) and I know that I will get there, and I know this will be an amazing experience.

If you are able to help with a small donation, that would be awesome.

Thanks for reading. Until next time....


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