Saturday 9 January 2016

Goals for 2016

2016 Goals

  • 2 week carefree summer holiday with kids and Steve
  • Visit New Zealand at Christmas (at last)
  • Reconnect with old friends Sue, Fi, Claire, Rick and Kate, Naomi, Nick and Marion
  • Continue to spend quality time with kids
  • Ensure Rory is given all the help he needs for GCSE

  • Life with Steve to grow and thrive
  • Finish the house and..
  • Move in together full time, though not necessarily in the same house
  • Short break in Feb, and a week in the sun in May together
  • Help support and encourage Steve on his new journey

  • Further ortho training
  • Continue to Work towards a bigger and better future for Beacon under the Gensmile umbrella
  • Work hard in my BACD role, to increase  the number and quality of full members
  • Start Facial Aesthetics Journey
  • Max my first full year as an associate

  • Not debt free but debt under control
  • Make significant in roads into repaying Family
  • Start to save properly
  • Have a workable family household budget

  • Increase my Orthodontic and Implant Skills
  • Start Facial Aesthetics training
  • Reduce Golf Handicap to 20

  • Weigh no more than 88kg on 31 December (currently 91.3)
  • Complete a running challenge
  • Complete Coast to Coast
  • Organise and hope to participate in Kilimanjaro trip for Bridge 2 Aid
  • Get my health problems sorted out once and for all or at least properly diagnosed
  • Cycle more
  • Have a more regular gym routine

I shall be raising money for:
  • Dental Mavericks
  • Bridge 2 Aid
  • Make a wish foundation
  • St Richard's Hospice

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