Monday 12 January 2015

Things I would like to tell my younger self....

Firstly a word about why I am writing this blog. It started out as a way of recording my progress in diary form, when I cycled John O'Groats to Lands End back in May 2014. However, with a little encouragement from some friends, I decided to keep it up in 2015 and write regularly.

I tend to write from the heart without much filter, and I shall visit many different things, some of which will be very personal. Sharing these thoughts might seem a bit arrogant or self promoting. That is not my intention.

The first half dozen or so posts are my way of reflecting on the last year and indeed my life and making myself accountable by voices my thoughts public ally. This is going to be a momentous year on many levels. Genuinely life changing. I have reached a major crossroads, and I want to record my thoughts and actions in this blog.

I shall be done with the reflective stuff by the end of this or the next blog, and then... Who Knows.
I know I wont often be very serious . My default position is normally not to take myself or others too seriously.I shall often write in bullet points.  I might occasionally stray into religion or politics, but not often and not for long.

Apologies for the inevitable smelling and gramatical;  mistooks/.

So..... Things I wish I could tell my younger self, in roughly chronological order:

  • Stick with it when learning to play a musical instrument, especially the piano
  • Stay strong when the bullying starts to  get too much. It will end AND you will have the last laugh
  • Try harder at Biology, you are going to need it. In fact , resit the pressure to do Further Maths at A Level and do Biology instead.
  • Read more
  • Exercise more
  • Start going to the gym seriously and don't stop
  • Do not chase after Becky Sedge for so long, she absolutely is not worth it.
  • In 2nd year at Dental School, there will be an evening when you will have a choice to make. Either go to the Student's Union and see a new band from Manchester called "The Stone Roses", OR stay in the pub thinking you have a chance to score with Rhona. GO TO THE CONCERT!!!!!!
  • Don't got to Grays Casino, or in fact any casino ever. No good will come of it. 
  • When you qualify, and after you have finished Vocational Training, go and do some Postgrad and keep doing it. Seek out the best and learn from them. Do a Masters! Don't wait until your thirties to realise this!
  • In 2000 when you have the choice whether to go it alone or join Kevin Fieldhouse in practice. Have the courage to go it alone!
  • AND at that time go and get a coach to help, it will likely be Chris Barrow. It will be worth the money
  • learn to stop wasting time and money
  • Holiday more
  • Excercise more
There are also things I would talk to myself about regarding sexuality, but I think that needs a different conversation!

Thursday 8 January 2015

Things I love part 2

More things I love

  • Tolkein
  • Nespresso
  • Really rich Chorizo
  • The BACD
  • Suzy!
  • Jackie Wilson
  • Sweet peas
  • Westonbirt Aboretum
  • Birds of Prey in unexpected places
  • XXL on a Saturday night
  • Benedict Cumberbatch
  • The look you get when someone sees their new smile for the first time
  • The Poems of AA Milne
  • Magnolia in full bloom
  • The ideas and wisdom of Paddi Lund
  • and Tony Gedge
  • My world famous Ragu, when it has been left overnight
  • Vasilly Kandinsky
  • Marc Chagall especially his stained glass windows
  • Matthew Rush
  • MPOD Treasure Map Conference

Wednesday 7 January 2015

Things I Love

In no particular order:

  • Steve Timms
  • Parmigiano Reggiano
  • The smell of fresh limes
  • Newcastle United
  • A lovely bottle of Coonawarra Shiraz
  • Rory, Francesca and Erin Watson
  • The City of Newcastle upon Tyne
  • The Music of Mark Knopfler
  • Blackadder
  • My Mam and Dad
  • and sisters
  • and their families
  • Rachmaninov 
  • and Tchaikovsky
  • and Sibelius
  • Sausages
  • Hungarian Vizslak especially Denzil
  • Beacon Dental Care
  • especially Karen Sutton and our super team
  • Lake Como
  • the rest of Italy
  • Bratwurst
  • Kolsch
  • Ben Cohen
  • Peter Beardsley
  • Malvern Hills Brewery- Black Pear Ale
  • Orchids
  • Disco
  • Jimmy Somerville
  • Cookbooks
  • Georges Seurat espcially " Un baignade a Asnieres"
  • but also Sunday afternoonon the island of La grande Jatte
  • Alan Shearer
  • West Malvern
  • especially The Brewers Arms
  • Dental Mavericks
  • Tony, Cally, Mike, Chris, Jas, Nigel, Richard,Gill 
  • Lindt chocolate
  • Richard Briers
  • Double Deckers
  • Worcester Warriors
  • Stephen Fry
  • Gareth Thomas
  • Blueberries
  • Hue and Cry
  • My bed
  • Interesting modern art
  • Soho
  • My friends
  • The Malvern Hills
  • any other MHB Beer
  • Cheesy Oat Cakes
  • Moroccan Hoummus
  • Gourmet Burger Kitchen
  • England Rugby
  • and. Malvern RFC
  • Bill Bryson
  • Jack Daniels
  • Golf
  • Cycling
  • Squash
  • The Good Life
  • Cycling books
  • a really good curry
  • Spooks
  • Cinema
  • Espresso
  • Dolce de Leche Ice cream
  • Alan Turing and his amazing Legacy
might need part 2!

Sunday 4 January 2015

Goals for 2015

  • Take a proper holiday with Steve and my children, Florida preferably
  • Visit New Zealand at Christmas
  • Holiday with Steve
  • Continue to spend quality time with kids
  • Life with Steve to grow and thrive
  • Move closer together or indeed be together
  • Finalise an amicable divorce and maintain a healthy relationship with Katie
  • Complete the transformation of the structure of the practice
  • Work towards a bigger and better future for Beacon
  • Work hard in my BACD role
  • Be Debt free by the end of the year
  • Start to save properly
  • Increase my Orthodontic and Implant Skills
  • Start Facial Aesthetics training
  • Reduce Golf Handicap to 20
  • Weigh no more than 88kg on 31 December (currently 91.3)
  • Complete a triathlon
  • Climb a big mountain for Dental Mavericks
  • Get my health problems sorted out once and for all
  • Cycle more
  • Have a more regular gym routine

I shall repay my Parents
Visit Morocco with Dental Mavericks
I shall make a concerted attempt at being Gluten free
I shall sleep more and drink more water
I will reconnect with my oldest friends Richard and Kate, Naomi, Nick and Marion, Paul and Sandra, Susan, Fi, Claire and Guy- going to be busy

Saturday 3 January 2015

Reflections on 2014 and plans for 2015

I've had a few days since the end of 2014 to reflect on my year and look ahead to 2015 and make some new goals.


Quite a year, in particular order it was a year in which :

  • Met my soul mate and fell in love. Thank you Steve
  • Cycled 934 miles in 9 days, John O'Groats to Land's End, despite my lack of cycling experience, skill, speed and ability other than a headfull of stubborn bloody mindedness and mental strength. Thanks for the help-Sarah and Lawrence Herbert, Richard Marsden, Andy Ruffell, Gemma, Simon and ChrisBob from Denplan, Dominic and Alex for the advice and support, and Mark Oborn for the mental strength
  • Found myself pushed into standing for election, then astoundingly winning said election to the BACD Board of Directors. Thanks to Nishan and Paul Abrahams for nudging me and Suzy of course
  • Finally won a Private Dentistry Award- Best Charity Project- the best on to win by far!
  • visited Lords for the first time with my buddy Shameek Popat
  • Ate in a Michelin starred restaurant for the first time. Then did it again 3 weeks later...
  • Had the best day of my life celebrating Steve's birthday at Le Gavroche, Claridges and the Prince of Wales theatre. Thanks to Craig and Pratish, Monica Galetti and Davide.
  • Became a trustee of Worcester AIDS foundation, finally after putting it off for several years.
  • I moved back home to West Malvern
  • Reached an almost totally amicable agreement for my divorce
Not forgetting- an amazing Treasure Map conference with my whole team in January. Regular fantastic inspiration from my Royal Ruby Red family especially Tony and Cally
A great holiday in France with the kids and my Mam and Dad, even if we didn't have any good wine all holiday and the weather was consistently rubbish.
An unforgettable BACD conference.
Good times with my friends in West Malvern and at the Brewers Arms. The best Green Pear ever!
I work with the very best partner , Karen Sutton, and an amazing team.

On a less good note-
  • My health has not been great, no doubt stress related
  • Business has been very tough this year
  • I had to go on Leave of Absence from Rotary, which will most likely be permanent- so  chapter of my life is definitely closing
  • I could not join my Dental Maverick buddies in Morocco this year
  • My exercise routines became a bit rubbish in the second half of the year
  • money has been too tight

However, the future is looking good. My goals and hopes for 2015 will make for a separate blog, but to complete my "shit sandwich".
  • Next year I intend to be debt free
  • Take at least 2 holidays
  • Go to Morocco to work with Dental Mavericks
  • I will be divorced
  • My business will change dramatically, and I am very happy and positive about that
  • My health problems will be dealt with
  • I shall end the year at least 3kg lighter
  • I will complete a triathlon
  • Climb a big mountain
  • Get back on my bike
  • Visit New Zealand to see my family (at last)
  • Repay my parents (at last)
  • I will reconnect with old friends , before it is too late
  • I will sleep more and drink less alcohol and more water
Finally , nothing in any order,:

Best Films of 2014

The Hobbit
Sunshine on Leith
The Imitation Game
The Lego Movie

Best Books

Gareth Thomas' autobiography "Proud"
Brilliant Life by  Michael Heppell
More fool me by Stephen Fry
The Climb by Chris Froome
Seven Deadly Sins by David Walsh

Best Music

Sam Smith- In the Lonely Hour
Ed Sheeran= X
Jacqui Abbot and Paul Heaton- What have we become