Monday 12 January 2015

Things I would like to tell my younger self....

Firstly a word about why I am writing this blog. It started out as a way of recording my progress in diary form, when I cycled John O'Groats to Lands End back in May 2014. However, with a little encouragement from some friends, I decided to keep it up in 2015 and write regularly.

I tend to write from the heart without much filter, and I shall visit many different things, some of which will be very personal. Sharing these thoughts might seem a bit arrogant or self promoting. That is not my intention.

The first half dozen or so posts are my way of reflecting on the last year and indeed my life and making myself accountable by voices my thoughts public ally. This is going to be a momentous year on many levels. Genuinely life changing. I have reached a major crossroads, and I want to record my thoughts and actions in this blog.

I shall be done with the reflective stuff by the end of this or the next blog, and then... Who Knows.
I know I wont often be very serious . My default position is normally not to take myself or others too seriously.I shall often write in bullet points.  I might occasionally stray into religion or politics, but not often and not for long.

Apologies for the inevitable smelling and gramatical;  mistooks/.

So..... Things I wish I could tell my younger self, in roughly chronological order:

  • Stick with it when learning to play a musical instrument, especially the piano
  • Stay strong when the bullying starts to  get too much. It will end AND you will have the last laugh
  • Try harder at Biology, you are going to need it. In fact , resit the pressure to do Further Maths at A Level and do Biology instead.
  • Read more
  • Exercise more
  • Start going to the gym seriously and don't stop
  • Do not chase after Becky Sedge for so long, she absolutely is not worth it.
  • In 2nd year at Dental School, there will be an evening when you will have a choice to make. Either go to the Student's Union and see a new band from Manchester called "The Stone Roses", OR stay in the pub thinking you have a chance to score with Rhona. GO TO THE CONCERT!!!!!!
  • Don't got to Grays Casino, or in fact any casino ever. No good will come of it. 
  • When you qualify, and after you have finished Vocational Training, go and do some Postgrad and keep doing it. Seek out the best and learn from them. Do a Masters! Don't wait until your thirties to realise this!
  • In 2000 when you have the choice whether to go it alone or join Kevin Fieldhouse in practice. Have the courage to go it alone!
  • AND at that time go and get a coach to help, it will likely be Chris Barrow. It will be worth the money
  • learn to stop wasting time and money
  • Holiday more
  • Excercise more
There are also things I would talk to myself about regarding sexuality, but I think that needs a different conversation!

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