Saturday 3 January 2015

Reflections on 2014 and plans for 2015

I've had a few days since the end of 2014 to reflect on my year and look ahead to 2015 and make some new goals.


Quite a year, in particular order it was a year in which :

  • Met my soul mate and fell in love. Thank you Steve
  • Cycled 934 miles in 9 days, John O'Groats to Land's End, despite my lack of cycling experience, skill, speed and ability other than a headfull of stubborn bloody mindedness and mental strength. Thanks for the help-Sarah and Lawrence Herbert, Richard Marsden, Andy Ruffell, Gemma, Simon and ChrisBob from Denplan, Dominic and Alex for the advice and support, and Mark Oborn for the mental strength
  • Found myself pushed into standing for election, then astoundingly winning said election to the BACD Board of Directors. Thanks to Nishan and Paul Abrahams for nudging me and Suzy of course
  • Finally won a Private Dentistry Award- Best Charity Project- the best on to win by far!
  • visited Lords for the first time with my buddy Shameek Popat
  • Ate in a Michelin starred restaurant for the first time. Then did it again 3 weeks later...
  • Had the best day of my life celebrating Steve's birthday at Le Gavroche, Claridges and the Prince of Wales theatre. Thanks to Craig and Pratish, Monica Galetti and Davide.
  • Became a trustee of Worcester AIDS foundation, finally after putting it off for several years.
  • I moved back home to West Malvern
  • Reached an almost totally amicable agreement for my divorce
Not forgetting- an amazing Treasure Map conference with my whole team in January. Regular fantastic inspiration from my Royal Ruby Red family especially Tony and Cally
A great holiday in France with the kids and my Mam and Dad, even if we didn't have any good wine all holiday and the weather was consistently rubbish.
An unforgettable BACD conference.
Good times with my friends in West Malvern and at the Brewers Arms. The best Green Pear ever!
I work with the very best partner , Karen Sutton, and an amazing team.

On a less good note-
  • My health has not been great, no doubt stress related
  • Business has been very tough this year
  • I had to go on Leave of Absence from Rotary, which will most likely be permanent- so  chapter of my life is definitely closing
  • I could not join my Dental Maverick buddies in Morocco this year
  • My exercise routines became a bit rubbish in the second half of the year
  • money has been too tight

However, the future is looking good. My goals and hopes for 2015 will make for a separate blog, but to complete my "shit sandwich".
  • Next year I intend to be debt free
  • Take at least 2 holidays
  • Go to Morocco to work with Dental Mavericks
  • I will be divorced
  • My business will change dramatically, and I am very happy and positive about that
  • My health problems will be dealt with
  • I shall end the year at least 3kg lighter
  • I will complete a triathlon
  • Climb a big mountain
  • Get back on my bike
  • Visit New Zealand to see my family (at last)
  • Repay my parents (at last)
  • I will reconnect with old friends , before it is too late
  • I will sleep more and drink less alcohol and more water
Finally , nothing in any order,:

Best Films of 2014

The Hobbit
Sunshine on Leith
The Imitation Game
The Lego Movie

Best Books

Gareth Thomas' autobiography "Proud"
Brilliant Life by  Michael Heppell
More fool me by Stephen Fry
The Climb by Chris Froome
Seven Deadly Sins by David Walsh

Best Music

Sam Smith- In the Lonely Hour
Ed Sheeran= X
Jacqui Abbot and Paul Heaton- What have we become

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