Wednesday 19 August 2015

Positivity, Materialism and Happiness

This post was prompted by a series of conversations that I had earlier in the year at The Dentistry Show and BDA Conference.
 I met a lady for the first time in the bar at the Crowne Plaza (where all good conversations begin!), She is not a dentist but is very well known in the Dental world, and she was a bit drunk!
This lady was sitting with some other well known  non dentist dental types (!), who were friends of mine and the conversation was getting very heated, as I joined them

"All dentists care about is money"
"Fast cars, big houses, expensive holidays"
"Bloody dentists, , always talking about money and cars" etc etc, you get the picture.

So of course I jump in with my 50p's worth,  (not having a fast car, big house or much money for holidays), and by the end of the conversation I had convinced my new friend that most dentists are not at all money driven , greedy, materialistic bastards, and are actually quite nice people, with goals and aspirations that are not related to money and worldly possessions at all

This got me thinking. Why is it that the general public think this? Even non dental professionals within the greater Dental world think this, so there must be some truth in it surely?

When I think back to my schooldays, I remember that the main reasons that I applied to do Dentistry,centered around money and possessions. I had noticed that my own dentist who had inspired and encouraged me, had a new red sports car, a new beautiful blond wife and had built himself a big house! That will do for me I thought. (I have subsequently had and lost all of those things, but more of that later!)

Throughout my dental training and in my early years as an associate , it seemed that everyone within our profession was earning mega bucks (always more than I was, of course), and they all had fast cars and big houses, so that is what I aspired to even more. More hours, more fees = more money and infinite happiness, right?

Well, maybe for some but maybe not. Don't get me wrong I have many friends in Dentistry who earn a lot of money and have the possessions that go with it, and they are to the best of my knowledge very happy indeed. However I was not, not at all.

It took several years to see the light and work out how to simplify my life. I had help and inspiration from Chris Barrow, Tom Orent, Paddi Lund, Tony Gedge, Harris Sidelsky, Steven Covey and others. Eventually I saw the light and realised that to find happiness in work and home life I needed to stop chasing fees, and stop aspiring to be someone else.

I would encourage anyone to seek out those gentlemen I have listed, and LISTEN to them!

The big moment, my entrepreneurial lighting bolt moment  if you will, came in October 2006 (1030 on 16th October to be precise). I was attending a day course given by the American dentist Tom Orent. His story resonated so much with my own, and reflected so many of the ideas that Paddi Lund talked about- suddenly it all came together in my head. From that moment on I would think very differently.

What happened over the next few years is the subject of an upcoming blog, but suffice to say my priorities changed, and I started to think about working as a dentist in order to be happy and create happiness in my team and patients, rather than to make lots of money.

There are so many others that have reinforced those ideas-  Mark Oborn, Kevin Rose and Rob Whittaker especially spring to mind. I was lucky to spend some time with all 3, learning about the power of Neuro Linguistic Programming and how much a positive outlook can affect your general mental well being and happiness.

I am 46 years old, and I look back to a time 10 years ago, when I had plenty of possessions and money, but it was a fragile façade, and I was not happy. Not happy with my work, my marriage or my life. I attempted suicide at least twice before I pulled myself out of it, with the help of my friends including those that I have mentioned above. That and my own brand of stubborn bloodymindedness

Right now, I have little net worth, hardly any assets and I am an associate in the business I created, and recently sold (future blog!)
I can honestly say that I am as happy and fulfilled as at any time in my life.
I love my work, I love working with local and international charities and local community groups and I am in a happy and fulfilled relationship.

Simplifying my life so dramatically over the last few years has created a very real calm happiness.

I would encourage anyone reading this, who is questioning themselves or their purpose:

  • Read more
  • Learn from Masters
  • Be Positive and Proactive in everything that you do
  • Be yourself, always
  • Listen more
  • Educate yourself, not just with clinical stuff
  • Surround yourself with positive people
  • Keep life simple
Above all- If something is wrong - CHANGE IT. If you are tolerating negative stuff- STOP IT

Be Happy
Until next time...

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