Monday 12 May 2014

Day 3 - tough, hilly and tiring

Aberfeldy-Lanark. 95 miles, 7hrs,35, 12.5 mph, 6074 ft climbing

The day began with a fantastic breakfast cooked for us all by the great couple who ran The Bunkhouse at Glassie Farm. ( in Aberfeldy,  highly recommended if you are ever in the area).

Then down the track to start the day, once again in the rain, with full winter gear on.

First up , the long climb out of Aberfeldy heading towards Crieff. 4 miles of 3-4%.. Not as bad as advertised, but a bit grim in the wet. Loch Tay, at the top must be lovely in the sunshine.

The descent off the top would have been amazing in the dry, however it was raining hard, and it wasn't much fun.

First stop was Crieff, where the Denplan ladies were waiting with hot drinks. Big smiles all round at that point Of course. We were joined by my good friend Jan Clarke,  who came by to show support, and say Hi.

Then on towards Stirling via some steepclimbs on country lanes. Lunch at Costa in Stirling, but not before a section of cobbles ( not nice on a road bike after  ycling almost 300 miles- ouch).

Lots of hills followed all the way through the central belt of Scotland to our overnight stop off in Lanark. 

I must have had something special in my coffee at lunch, as I felt very strong all afternoon, until the last 5 miles, then staryed counting the yards off...

The last sting in the tail - arriving at the edge of Lanark and being directed by the support team to "carry on, your B+Bis just around the corner, not far. Halfa mile..". 5 miles and a phone call later, I found my destination.  Not at all happy... as I had , entally finished 4.5 miles earlier... :-(.

Anyway.  Mountains of food for dinner sorted me out, and all was well again. 

Something I noticed today,  other than the noticeable increase in traffic was that the standard of driving and consideration of drivers has got worse as we have moved south. Also the roads, which were generally fantastic in the north, are in much poorer condition. 

Tomorrow we get to England!!! Hurray. 

Night all x
Cycled past lots of these close up. (We were very high a lot of the time!)

1 comment:

  1. Glad they are keeping you well fed. ... you are doing great. X
