Wednesday 14 May 2014


What a challenge this is. Mentally tough-, incredibly so. It becomes very difficult to carry on sometimes.  My way of dealing with it is in very small chunks,  one day at a rime, or more likely one section ( 17-35 miles), distance to the next townor even to the next lamppost or sign on a climb. Its the old saying-

 "How do you eat an elephant? A- in small chunks.

I can cope with 25 mile chunks. The idea of riding a bike more than 100 miles a day for 9 days is impossible.

The physical challenge is not what you might imagine. Speaking for myself, the challenge is not aerobic, in otherwords I am rarely out of breath.  No, it is a challenge for the rest of the body staying healthy- neck, shoulders,  legs hands back and of course bottom!
My big problem is the pain in my neck, which is unrelenting, my legs and bum are in good shape as it were.
I was given good advice from friends and this has proven very successful.  Big thanks ro Daniel Pinder for recommending lovely ice baths and compression leggings. It has worked well.

So back to the cycling

Well, at last the sun came out, and so of course the legs came out en masse too.
Breakfast in Lanark was outstanding at the Scottish equestrian centre hotel, with easily the best coffee so far.

For the first time since JO'G we set off together, but obviously that didnt last, and true to form Andy (not so big Andy!) and myself dropped off the back and promptly took a diversion ( not the same as getting lost!).

We were in the beautiful Upper Clyde valley, a really pretty area, especially if you ignore the A74 running through the middle of it.  It is also the area of Scotland that my ancestors came from!

We made it to the first check point and linked up with the Essex team of David, Bill and Debs. A fast run alongside the motorway followed, and we got to Lockerbie for lunch for the next checkpoint and almost lunch.

I was overruled on the lunch point :-(, so we carried on to Gretna. A very odd place, clearly playing on the Wedding theme to a Blackpoolesque level. Costa once again, came to my stomachs rescue. And then the most wonderful thing happened.......

We arrived in England.

Reunited with David, Bill and Debs we got  to Carlisle and road rage galore.  After a close shave with a passing car ( actually, a passing car brushed Bills side), "young" Bill showed a fantastic turn of speed and chased after said car, catching up at the next traffic lights.  Cue, angry shouting by Bill and blank bewilderment by confused elderly driver. As it turns out, Anee in one of the other groups had a similar incident in the same place 20 minutes earlier.
Must be something in the water in Cumbria.

Then a dash to Penrith through the Cumbria fells,  and arrival just in time before the heavens opened.

A good day's work, fast at times, no big climbs,  and I felt strong all day, with only my neck causing any difficulties.

However or Lawrence and Sarah had a torrid time, finally arriving at 830. Both had suffered joint trouble and had a very tough day. Not sure if they will start tomorrow.

Bed time.
D x

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