Monday 12 May 2014

Day2 . At least 2 seasons in this Day.

 So, 102 miles was promised today from Inverness to Aberfeldy, crossing the Cairngorms and going over the Drumochty Pass. The day started early again of course with Premier inn's finest breakfast ( surprisingly good coffee by the way).

 Overcast skies but no rain and cold. Due to the weather forecast, there was a distinct absence of shorts on show this morning, unlike yesterday. Everybody opting for long leggings and rain jackets. This proved to be the correct decision! The heavens opened half an hour later.

 A great bonus today was very little riding on A roads. We stuck to lanes, B roads and the famous A9 cycle path. The first 15 miles involved some short steep climbs, and rain. By the first stop at 25 miles, it was very cold and wet, so it was a short stop. BUT a big change from yesterday was that our little group arrived at the checkpoint BEFORE the lead group had left! That is a result! The weather it should be noted was now terrible. cold and driving rain.

 By the time we arrived at Aviemore, mid morning, my fingers had gone too numb to properly work the levers. Fortunately the Denplan van passed us at that point. Great I thought, I can warm up and get my winter gloves from my bag. Cue- frantic waving by me, and guess what ... Frantic Cheery waving from Denplan Gemma. But, no stopping. !!!! However, it did start getting drier and warmer by that point. In fact later in the day, when the sun came out, we were all far too hot in wet and cold weather gear, with no room to carry the excess clothes. Ah well....

 We then rode through beautiful scenery ( a theme for the whole day) through Avimore and onto the splendid Highland Folk Museum for lunch. ( yes the leading group was there too. ).

 A word about my riding partners today: All day we rode together and had a good laugh taking in the majestic cairngorm scenery and stopping often to admire the view. ( the rain stopped by 12). Sarah and Lawrence Herbert were great company all day, and and again the now famous ( and slightly less)Big Andy. By the way , it came out today that Andy has raised more than £12000, for macmillan!!! Helped by the incredible support and generosity of his community in Spofforth, North Yorkshire. ( I thoughni was doing well with 3000!).

 After lunch we made our way to the top of the Drumochty Pass, via the A9 cycle path. The climbmitself was VERY long but not steep and the path was not too bad, if a bit rough and gravelly in places. In had read before this trip that it was horrendous and impassable in places on a road bike, but clearly there had been changes as it seemed good to me. Some of our number opted to avoid the cycle path and take their chances on th A9, which was more than a little scary apparently. On reaching the summit of the climb, we stopped for a rest. We had been there for 5 minutes, when Lawrence pointed out the Denplan support truck parke parkedd only 50 yards away, hidden by a bush. So another rest was had of course. The descent off the top was an exillerating downhill for 15 miles. Not steep and good roads. What fun..

 Last break was in Blair Atholl, then a 20 mile "blast" to Aberfeldy. However, it is a universal law that the last 20 miles of any long bike ride goes on for EVER! and today didnt disapoint. Neck very sore today, but bum and legs were fine! We are staying in in a bunkhouse located on a farm high above Aberfeldy and the Tay valley. Beautiful. A great hog roast and hospitality. Everyone in bed by 930 :-). Tomorrow we have a short day ! , only 91 miles. But, it starts with a 4 mile 5% climb!

So, off to bed with me too. D x

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