Thursday 8 May 2014

Calm before the Storm

Friday 9 May
The Bare Facts
940 miles on a bike, cycling from John O'Groats in the North East of Scotland to Land's End in Cornwall, to raise money for Macmillan.
9 days, averaging 105 ish miles a day.
My name is David Watson and I am clearly not right in the head. At least that's what it feels like sitting here waiting to leave for the station. As soon as I'm done writing this I'm off to the train station to get the train to Birmingham airport, then a flight to Wick. (there are 3 flights a day from Birmingham to Wick! I'm really keen to see who is making that trip).
A relaxing afternoon and evening awaits in glorious balmy John O'Groats. I shall get the chance to meet the 23 other hardy (or foolish) souls joining me on this adventure.
Tomorrow I ride 113 miles to Inverness all along the coast down the A9 (apparently the most dangerous road in the UK). That is fully 30 miles further than I have ridden in a single day before, so it is daunting to say the least.
Today's route:
I think that I am ready. I've lots of training miles, though it feels like not enough. Too late to worry about that now.
Many of the other cyclists taking part are what I'd call proper cyclists. Lightweight, fit, fast and likely to finish each day well ahead of me. I have never been that quick on the bike, so this doesn't worry me, but I'm rather hoping there will be someone else at the back to keep me company!
Talking of proper cyclists, I would like to thank my training advisors Dominic O'Hooley and Alex Jones. I have appreciated your advice.
Thanks to my family for their support and Steve Timms for constant encouragement and love.
Thanks also to the many many generous friends and clients who have sponsored me. It is a constant source of amazement how generous people can be. I have raised almost £3000 so far, which is considerably more than my £1000 target. THANL YOU- it is such an inspiration and motivating factor for me.
So I'd better go and catch the train. I know my lungs and legs will cope. I'm concerned that my knees, back and neck may not, or at least give me pain. As I type, my shoulders and calves are already hurting, but I'm hoping that is after effects of yesterdays massage, and tomorrow I shall be pefrect!
Wish me Luck!

1 comment:

  1. Go Dave go, I hope you have plenty of shammy cream :)
