Saturday 10 May 2014

Punctures punctures and lots of miles

Day 1. John O'groats to Inverness.  117 miles (maybe).

Ill come to today in a second, firstly a word about yesterday. A very uneventful journey from malvern via Birmingham and Edinburgh got me to Wick at 3pm .

Taxi to JOG and "relax". The best thing to say about JOG is that it seems like a great place to leave. There really is nothing there. 1 hotel ( which was very pleasant and super friendly staff and good food), a few bungalows, 1 sign proclaiming where you are and that's about it.

We did manage to see a pod of dolphins go past, which was a surprising treat. Also surprising was how close to the mainland the Orkmey islands are.

Anyway, to today. We set off together (24 riders from all over the uk , but mostly from Exeter and Yorkshire! And mostly called David- a perfectly fine name of course), at 0730 under grey skies but dry.

It is worth noting that the countryside around JoG is no more inspiring than the town itself. Bleak, no trees, and windy.( somehow  I think those things are related).

I had my first puncture at mile 10! Having set out with the front(ish) group I was quickly in the last group.  Second puncture came in Wick at mile 18.( there was some swearing). So I set off again, now in the very last group with only Big Andy for company . However I did now possess a very smart blue ti4e provided by Simon from the awesome Denplan support crew.

So from that point we decided not to rush and instead take it steady and stop when we wanted to.  As a result we took in the moor like scenery and saw lots of wildlife - Highland cattle, Stags, Seals ,lots of rabbits and almost some Otters.

So we slowly made our way down the coast, eventually getting to the point where there were trees!!! And a lunch stop in Brora. (Obviously in a pub!) Nothing at all to report at Brora, oh except ANOTHER PUNCTURE). and also a matching smart blue tyre.

By this time we had passed half way and my neck was starting to hurt, but no rain , and much less wind.

Spoke too soon though. A largish climb was followed by crossing the Dornoch Firth bridge with a wopping side wind trying to blow me into the carriageway ( not a lot of fun).

At some point around 2 I passed my longest daily distance (81), quickly followed by my first century!!

The run into Inverness seemed to go on for ever, along a busy scary dual carriageway. Almost finished,  but......
Having followed directions from the now suddenly less impressive Simon from Denplan,I went the wrong way by a mile or so.

Quick correctison and I was finished.
121.2 miles, 8:14:53, 14.8 mph average speed,  5772 ft climbed and most importantly 4877 calories burnt!

Almost.  First though was the ice bath, stretching, foam roller and compression leggings as prescribed by PT Sarah.
I'll find out tomorrow how effective it was.

Ready for sleep now. 102 miles tomorrow.

Remember, im doing this for a reason!. To raise money for macmillan cancer care.  Please spare what you can and donate at


  1. Well Done! We are with you in spirit! (If not in energy) Love the pics.

  2. Thinking of you matey. Well done. ..... :-)
    Nice blog. Punctuation and everything. Xxx
