Monday 23 November 2015

How to become a community and charity champion Part 1 (Background)

Morning folks

I recently had the great privilege to speak to a small group of like minded professionals on the subject of community engagement. This has led to several requests from those wanting to know how to get started.

I am not an expert in anything very much (possibly excepting Newcastle United history and Tolkein!), so this is just my  story and my experiences along with some tips as to what works for me and my team and what doesn't.

Firstly a little background:

When Beacon DentalCare was set up, it was always our intention to be actively involved in our local community. In those days this involved:

  • Contacting local artists and getting them to put their art on the walls ( free art for me, exposure for the artists, interest for the clients). We did not ever charge a commission and we continue to sell 1 or 2 pictures a month. We now also sell a decent range of greetings cards and postcards.
  • Contacting Local schools and nurseries and arranging trips to visit them, taking with us an Oral Health message (more later!)
  • The occasional charity "event"- Dress up for Dentaid, and a few local events
So far so good, but not amazing. We were quite pleased with ourselves but it was not quite what we had in mind.

In 2010 , a friend of mine who worked with a local charity asked me if I would consider letting him use our large derelict back garden. ( about 1/3 acre that we had always intended to turn into a garden for our team, patients and community). Onside advocacy work with Adults with learning difficulties to give them purpose and training. The Beacon Garden project was born. We signed over the use of the garden space to the charity, and they are still there twice a week all year around, growing vegetables, learning horticulture and using the space for events.

This is a link to a short video filmed in the garden :

The garden project lit a spark of an idea. With the help of Kevin Rose we decided that we wanted to become famous as the Dentists that CARE. We created Beacon DentalCare Care 2011 culminting in our Shining Light awards. It was our intention to work with a different charity or community group each month .
We asked our clients and friends for ideas and offered the practice space inside and out to be used by different groups. We got carried away! At the end of 2011 we had worked in various different ways with 26 different groups and helped to raise more than £11000.
The Shining Light awards intended to recognise local unsung heroes, and we had a ceremony at the practice with prizes to honour our winners. 

Some of the things we did:
  • Macmillan Coffee Morning
  • Acquired a mascot- Billy the Beacon Bear
  • Fancy Dress up days for Dentaid
  • Hosted events for Onside
  • Various collections
  • Hosted a quilt exhibition (National Quilting Challenge!)
  • and an Art show
  • Scouts used the space for charity car washing
  • Provided Dentistry for Belorussian kids affected by the Chernobyl disaster
  • Displays focussing on different charities including MNDA and Parkinsons
  • and more.....

After that we took a break and focussed on a smaller number of charities and events and regular sponsored events ( cycling, running, Triathlon's, charity work in Morocco). Much more manageable!

Last year we re launched the Shining Light awards with the help of an Events Organiser, and made it much bigger and better and more professional. We enlisted the help of local celebrities as judges and local companies for prizes and had the Mayor officiate at the ceremony. Lots of publicity, lots of feel good warm fuzziness!

It is not difficult to do, it just needs a caring, giving open outlook and some ingenuity. Sounds like most dentists I know.

All of the things we have done generate:
  • Goodwill
  • Free Advertising
  • Profile
  • Warm fuzziness
  • Free news articles, radio and TV and international internet coverage
  • Love and support from your team and patients
  • More profit

In part 2 I will share my ideas on how to do it.

Till next time


Thursday 20 August 2015

Revisiting my Goals

Since I have been in such a reflective and peaceful frame of mind lately, I thought that I would revisit my Goals for 2015 and see how I have done and what needs to be done for the rest of the year.

Written originally over the New Year's holiday this is what I  set out, and how I have done SO FAR

  • Take a proper holiday with Steve and my children, Florida preferably  - TICK
  • Visit New Zealand at Christmas UNLIKELY NOW
  • Holiday with Steve- TICK
  • Continue to spend quality time with kids TICK
  • Life with Steve to grow and thrive TICK
  • Move closer together or indeed be together DEFINETLY HAPPENING BUT LIKELY NEXT YEAR
  • Finalise an amicable divorce and maintain a healthy relationship with Katie TICK
  • Complete the transformation of the structure of the practice TICK
  • Work towards a bigger and better future for Beacon TICK
  • Work hard in my BACD role TICK
  • Be Debt free by the end of the year NO CHANCE BUT PLAN IN HAND- MUST TRY HARDER
  • Start to save properly - MUST TRY HARDER
  • Increase my Orthodontic and Implant Skills  SEMI TICK- WORK IN PROGRESS
  • Start Facial Aesthetics training FAIL- NEXT YEAR
  • Weigh no more than 88kg on 31 December (currently 91.3) SEMI TICK (CURRENTLY 88.3)
  • Complete a triathlon IN TRAINING FOR SEPTEMBER
  • Climb a big mountain for Dental Mavericks FAIL
  • Get my health problems sorted out once and for all WORK IN PROGRESS
  • Cycle more TICK
  • Have a more regular gym routine DOUBLE  TICK

I shall repay my Parents FAIL, BUT PLAN IN HAND
Visit Morocco with Dental Mavericks FAIL
I shall make a concerted attempt at being Gluten free TICK
I shall sleep more and drink more water HMM
I will reconnect with my oldest friends Richard and Kate, Naomi, Nick and Marion, Paul and Sandra, Susan, Fi, Claire and Guy- going to be busy" NOT YET- (KICKS SELF)

So- New Goals for rest of 2015

  • Make a plan to visit  family in New Zealand this year or next
  • Maximise Family time
  • Plan holidays for next year
  • Plan for renovating Steve's new house and moving in together
  • Plan time away for Christmas period
  • Reconnect with old friends
Career and Education
  • Facial Aesthetics training
  • Continue Orthodontic Journey
  • Full steam ahead with BACD Membership Director role
  • Adapt fully to life as an associate

  • Proper household budget and plan to eliminate personal debt by end 2018
  • Save properly
  • Start repaying my parents and stick to the plan
  • Weigh less than 87kg and less than 16% body fat by 31 December this year ( currently 88.3 and 19%)
  • Compete in my first triathlon
  • Continue swimming and running for fitness
  • Continue gym routine
  • Get a diagnosis for my health problems and get them fixed!!!
  • Sleep more and drink less alcohol

Wednesday 19 August 2015

Positivity, Materialism and Happiness

This post was prompted by a series of conversations that I had earlier in the year at The Dentistry Show and BDA Conference.
 I met a lady for the first time in the bar at the Crowne Plaza (where all good conversations begin!), She is not a dentist but is very well known in the Dental world, and she was a bit drunk!
This lady was sitting with some other well known  non dentist dental types (!), who were friends of mine and the conversation was getting very heated, as I joined them

"All dentists care about is money"
"Fast cars, big houses, expensive holidays"
"Bloody dentists, , always talking about money and cars" etc etc, you get the picture.

So of course I jump in with my 50p's worth,  (not having a fast car, big house or much money for holidays), and by the end of the conversation I had convinced my new friend that most dentists are not at all money driven , greedy, materialistic bastards, and are actually quite nice people, with goals and aspirations that are not related to money and worldly possessions at all

This got me thinking. Why is it that the general public think this? Even non dental professionals within the greater Dental world think this, so there must be some truth in it surely?

When I think back to my schooldays, I remember that the main reasons that I applied to do Dentistry,centered around money and possessions. I had noticed that my own dentist who had inspired and encouraged me, had a new red sports car, a new beautiful blond wife and had built himself a big house! That will do for me I thought. (I have subsequently had and lost all of those things, but more of that later!)

Throughout my dental training and in my early years as an associate , it seemed that everyone within our profession was earning mega bucks (always more than I was, of course), and they all had fast cars and big houses, so that is what I aspired to even more. More hours, more fees = more money and infinite happiness, right?

Well, maybe for some but maybe not. Don't get me wrong I have many friends in Dentistry who earn a lot of money and have the possessions that go with it, and they are to the best of my knowledge very happy indeed. However I was not, not at all.

It took several years to see the light and work out how to simplify my life. I had help and inspiration from Chris Barrow, Tom Orent, Paddi Lund, Tony Gedge, Harris Sidelsky, Steven Covey and others. Eventually I saw the light and realised that to find happiness in work and home life I needed to stop chasing fees, and stop aspiring to be someone else.

I would encourage anyone to seek out those gentlemen I have listed, and LISTEN to them!

The big moment, my entrepreneurial lighting bolt moment  if you will, came in October 2006 (1030 on 16th October to be precise). I was attending a day course given by the American dentist Tom Orent. His story resonated so much with my own, and reflected so many of the ideas that Paddi Lund talked about- suddenly it all came together in my head. From that moment on I would think very differently.

What happened over the next few years is the subject of an upcoming blog, but suffice to say my priorities changed, and I started to think about working as a dentist in order to be happy and create happiness in my team and patients, rather than to make lots of money.

There are so many others that have reinforced those ideas-  Mark Oborn, Kevin Rose and Rob Whittaker especially spring to mind. I was lucky to spend some time with all 3, learning about the power of Neuro Linguistic Programming and how much a positive outlook can affect your general mental well being and happiness.

I am 46 years old, and I look back to a time 10 years ago, when I had plenty of possessions and money, but it was a fragile façade, and I was not happy. Not happy with my work, my marriage or my life. I attempted suicide at least twice before I pulled myself out of it, with the help of my friends including those that I have mentioned above. That and my own brand of stubborn bloodymindedness

Right now, I have little net worth, hardly any assets and I am an associate in the business I created, and recently sold (future blog!)
I can honestly say that I am as happy and fulfilled as at any time in my life.
I love my work, I love working with local and international charities and local community groups and I am in a happy and fulfilled relationship.

Simplifying my life so dramatically over the last few years has created a very real calm happiness.

I would encourage anyone reading this, who is questioning themselves or their purpose:

  • Read more
  • Learn from Masters
  • Be Positive and Proactive in everything that you do
  • Be yourself, always
  • Listen more
  • Educate yourself, not just with clinical stuff
  • Surround yourself with positive people
  • Keep life simple
Above all- If something is wrong - CHANGE IT. If you are tolerating negative stuff- STOP IT

Be Happy
Until next time...

Friday 7 August 2015

Challenges and other things

First post for a while- sorry, life has been very busy. Amongst other things I have got divorced (amicably) and sold my practice. My life is now wonderfully simple and I can focus on other things- more in my next post!

Those of you who know me have probably got used to my seemingly never ending stream of ridiculous challenges and fundraising activities. This year I decided that my comfort zone needed expanding again, and I have done enough bike challenges that they don't seem to be enough of a challenge ( Last years End to End has seen to that!). So what to do?

Well obviously since I don't swim well, and don't run well and I have done neither "seriously" for 25 years+ , I should do a Triathlon! It has always been something on my bucket list, but I have managed to find excuses for years. Well no more excuses.

Warwickshire Sprint Triathlon in September - 400m swim, 23km cycle, 5km run= EASY! Well the cycle will be easy, but 400m is futher than I have swam IN TOTAL in 25 years, and I have not run further than the length of a squash court since I was student ( and not much then). So it is a big challenge.

To add spice to the mix, my business partner Karen Sutton is also doing it and it has become a contest between us ( we are both a tiny bit competitive!).

Of course there needs to be a fundraising element to it, which involves the two charities closest to our respective hearts:

  • Dental Mavericks for me (, helping to provide dental care for the Berber children of Morocco .
  • Community Action Malvern for Karen,which helps various voluntary groups in the Malvern area
Today marks 50 days to go, and I am still a long way from being able to swim 400m, but closer to my running goals. The training goes on ( including swimming coaching from my kids, who have taken pity on my woeful technique) and I know that I will get there, and I know this will be an amazing experience.

If you are able to help with a small donation, that would be awesome.

Thanks for reading. Until next time....


Wednesday 25 March 2015

Things I dont like very much (Hate is such a negative word!)

Things I dont like very much 
(Hate is such a negative word!)

  1. The Daily Mail- such a negative, hateful, spiteful rag
  2. Mothers driving in the morning school run- always in such a dangerous hurry- GET UP EARLIER!
  3. Beetroot
  4. Primativo/Zinfandel
  5. Rudeness
  6. Poor Service
  7. Rubbish Pseudo American R+B
  8. Litter
  9. Ingratitude
  10. Mushrooms (all of them!)
  11. Tequila
  12. My own laziness
  13. Dishonesty
  14. Religious Bigots
  15. Waitrose in Malvern on a Thursday
  16. Tomato Ketchup, heinz or otherwise
  17. Smelly people
  18. The A14
  19. and the M40
  20. Fake Smiles
  21. Chelsea Tractors
  22. Champagne Socialists
  23. Slow broadband
  24. Rats!!
  25. any other rodent
  26. Bad parking on West Malvern Rd
  27. Unpleasant Football rivalries ( even Sunderland AFC)
  28. Bullies
  29. especially homophobic bullies
  30. Cheap French Wine
  31. Confrontation
  32. Arrogance
  33. My own overweightness
  34. and occaisional lack of will power
  35. haircuts

Friday 6 March 2015


This is a very personal post, and  a difficult post to write , I have written it many times in my head, but now, in the week that my divorce has been finalised, it seems like a good time to put in on paper as it were.

A little while ago, I wrote a blog entitled " Things that I would tell my younger self", and I quite deliberately missed something out.
Addressing my sexuality.

A friend asked me recently why I did not come out when I was younger? I have been asked that several times, most notably by my mother and my ex wife!  Another friend asked me if I regretted not coming out sooner. Another once asked me, why I had lived a lie for so long. The answer is most definitely NO.

Both my mother and my ex wife were quite reasonably upset when I did tell them, and that was very difficult for everybody concerned, and I wish that was different. That is a quite normal reaction. However, there is much more to it, I believe.

This is a difficult post to write , I have written it many times in my head, but now seems like a good time to put in on paper as it were.


  • I have known I was attracted to men and women since I was 13
  • I have never been confused about it
  • I thought I was gay for 6 months or so, but realised quite quickly that I was Bisexual
  • I married for love and I was very happy for most of the 17 years we were together
  • My sexuality was not the reason our marriage failed
  • It has taken me a long time to accept being "labelled" as gay, since it isn't strictly true. I am at a point now where I do bot care
  • MOST IMPORTANTLY. I try not to regret anything, but I certainly cannot regret keeping my sexuality to myself, even hiding it from my closest friends and family. Most of all because I have three wonderful children. !!!
  • Most of the above is generally irrelevant and nobody's business
  • I am VERY happy that I have found a wonderful man, who I intend to spend the rest of my life with
I do believe very firmly that sexuality is a spectrum , and everyone is somewhere on that spectrum. The vast majority are at one end or the other. Some people are like me, and are in the middle.

Why am I writing this?

For myself mostly, but also because there is still so much stigma attached to being gay or bisexual. Teenagers are still killing themselves and being made homeless. IN 2015! IN BRITAIN!
40% of the homeless young people on the streets in London are gay or bisexual, and most have been abandoned by their families. I am lucky to have the love and support of my friends and family, including the mother of my children. Not everyone is so lucky.

Homophobic bullying is still common in many schools, and communities.

For me it seems very odd, that I cannot walk down the street holding my boyfriend's hand, even in lovely liberal, easy going Malvern, it would be a very challenging experience for us.

For me that is why people like Ben Cohen and Gareth Thomas are such wonderful human beings. They devote their time to working with young people to fight homophobic bullying .
Check out their charities:

If you get a chance support them, please.

There you go. Sorry if it seems a bit personal. I needed to get it off my chest.

Till next time


Thursday 19 February 2015


Lately, in our morning huddles at Beacon Dentalcare we have been sharing "facts" that we don't know about each other and I have been reminded of my fabulous 3 days in and around Budapest in 1991.
It involves Backpacking, Threat of imminent rape, murder or both, Billy Bragg, The Pope, an old primary school friend, a smelly train and a Hungarian Beatles tribute act.

It all starts in Keleti train station in Budapest in August 1991...........

So, my best friend (then and now) John Remington and I had been inter-railing through Europe for a few weeks and we arrive in Budapest late one August evening after a long train journey from Zurich. We have nowhere to stay as usual, and are greeted off the train by a young man offering "very cheap bed, and a good place to stay". Even at the time, he seemed dodgy, and looking back he was clearly very shifty, BUT we were tired and dirty and poor, and he was offering a cheap bed for the night, so what else could we do, but get in his dirty van and head off into the darkness of a strange Eastern European City.

We were not murdered, though I remember being very worried on that short journey. It turned out, that our friend was legit, and our accommodation was University halls of residence, empty for the summer! £5 per night well spent.!

Next day we set out to explore the city, which was surprisingly (to us) full of nice shops Mercedes cars and American Fast food places! Pest was lovely , but FULL of armed police , seemingly on every corner. We had no idea if this was normal or not, so we noted it and carried on. 

Things started to get strange after lunch (a Big Mac meal, obviously- always the cheapest meal in a new city, or at least it was then). Crossing the bridge from Pest to Margarita Island , in the middle of  the Danube, we walk straight past legendary singer Billy Bragg! In Budapest!  As I recall he was very nice, but of course no pen or camera was in sight! 

We carried on and settled on a sunny spot on the grass in the middle of the island, fully equipped with our normal evening diet of copious local beer and chocolate (very cheap on this occasion unlike the previous day in Zurich). After I while I noticed a young couple sitting near us, and something familiar about the guy. There followed at least 30 minutes of swapping odd glances and hushed conversation as we decided if we knew each other. Eventually, one of us ( I cant remember who) braved the question.... "excuse me don't we know each other".....

It turned out that he was a friend of mine from primary school, Pete Tilling (who had also worked with John and myself at Marks and Spencer), travelling with his girlfriend!!! Sheer odd coincidence.

We had a lovely afternoon with them, during which Pete told me that  the Pope was due to arrive in the city by boat and that was the reason for the heavy police presence.


At the appropriate time, we moved ourselves to the side of the island to watch the Pontiff arrive in the city on his Popemaboat. Result!

We were intending to travel on that evening to Prague, taking a train that evening , which started in Budapest......

Before I go on, I should add a word about inter-railing. Generally the secret for a good night's sleep on a long overnight journey (Budapest to Prague for example) is to get on the train some time before it leaves, find a compartment (they were very common in ll countries across Europe in 1991), boots off, look smelly and unwelcoming and then get a good nights sleep!

"Shall we go and see the Pope in the main Square"
" But we will miss the train"
"yes, but there is another one two hours later"
"That train starts in Sofia, and is going to Berlin. we are never going to get a good seat"
"We'll be ok. How often will we get to see and hear the Pope"
"OK then"

I forget who said what, but the end result was we  found ourselves in Heroe's Square, with 500,000 other people. The Pope was a very small (he was quite short) white figure , about a mile away!, talking to the crowd in Polish and Hungarian. What a fabulous decision to be there!

The reality dawned quickly that we had mad a daft decision, so we left to catch the train, already worried about how we would get a place to sleep/ We were right to worry. Said train was FULL. Full of Bulgarian and Romanian families, filling every space available. Forget the idea of a compartment, there wasn't even room in the toilets! and the smell was appalling. We lasted approximately 2 minutes before deciding that we could not face 5 minutes on this train , never mind 15 hours. So we got off, an headed back to the University for a further night, not sure what the next day might hold.......

The following day, on the advice of my school friend, we headed to Lake Baloton (largest lake in  Central Europe!). What we found was a sort of German Blackpool by the lake (without the roller coasters). A very budget destination for less well off German holiday makers ( I am being kind).

What we also discovered was that Germans were not well liked by the locals, but Brits (and Dutch) WERE. We first discovered this that evening when we pitched up at an outdoor restaurant for tea. When the waiter discovered that we were English, he bundled a group of German students off a table and made us sit there. For the rest of the evening we had the most amazing friendly service , at the expense of our German student "friends"!

Later that evening, whilst watching the Hungarian Bootleg Beatles (really!), we got chatting to a Dutch couple, who explained that it was the same for them! A lovely evening was had by all.

The following day we headed back to Budapest and a train to Munich. Before we did that we had to spend all of our Hungarian currency, as it was a serious offence to export it. I can assure you that it was very difficult to spend the equivalent of £7.50 on light edible things in Hungary (It was very very cheap). We failed, but in the end it didnt matter, the Hungarian Border Guards really did not care.

There we have it, 3 days of surreal holidaying in an amazing place.

Monday 9 February 2015


My name is Denzil, I am a Hungarian Vizsla. I am not a Rhodesian Ridgeback, Weimerner or Red Setter (seriously?!). In fact my breed is far older than all of those. Vizslak (the correct plural) have been around for more than 1000 years, but only existed outside of Hungary in any significant numbers for less than 100 years, and in the UK for only 60 or so.

In fact Vizslak as a breed almost became extinct in the 20th Century, at one time there were only 12 dogs alive!

I think I am a lap dog, apparently I am a gun dog, though the reality is that, uniquely I am both. I am a rare example of a great Hunter Pointer who makes a perfect family pet.

I am affectionate, loyal, intelligent,  and athletic. One of the fastest breeds, I am also fearless, protective and gentle. I have no faults. Well ,ok, I am very clingy, wilful and I need lots of proper exercise, and lots of company and stimulation.

I am healthy and long lived, most likely due to careful and limited breeding over the last 50 years.
I have very odd owners, and lots of them are dentists!

I am a real ginger.

That is all

Denzil x

Monday 12 January 2015

Things I would like to tell my younger self....

Firstly a word about why I am writing this blog. It started out as a way of recording my progress in diary form, when I cycled John O'Groats to Lands End back in May 2014. However, with a little encouragement from some friends, I decided to keep it up in 2015 and write regularly.

I tend to write from the heart without much filter, and I shall visit many different things, some of which will be very personal. Sharing these thoughts might seem a bit arrogant or self promoting. That is not my intention.

The first half dozen or so posts are my way of reflecting on the last year and indeed my life and making myself accountable by voices my thoughts public ally. This is going to be a momentous year on many levels. Genuinely life changing. I have reached a major crossroads, and I want to record my thoughts and actions in this blog.

I shall be done with the reflective stuff by the end of this or the next blog, and then... Who Knows.
I know I wont often be very serious . My default position is normally not to take myself or others too seriously.I shall often write in bullet points.  I might occasionally stray into religion or politics, but not often and not for long.

Apologies for the inevitable smelling and gramatical;  mistooks/.

So..... Things I wish I could tell my younger self, in roughly chronological order:

  • Stick with it when learning to play a musical instrument, especially the piano
  • Stay strong when the bullying starts to  get too much. It will end AND you will have the last laugh
  • Try harder at Biology, you are going to need it. In fact , resit the pressure to do Further Maths at A Level and do Biology instead.
  • Read more
  • Exercise more
  • Start going to the gym seriously and don't stop
  • Do not chase after Becky Sedge for so long, she absolutely is not worth it.
  • In 2nd year at Dental School, there will be an evening when you will have a choice to make. Either go to the Student's Union and see a new band from Manchester called "The Stone Roses", OR stay in the pub thinking you have a chance to score with Rhona. GO TO THE CONCERT!!!!!!
  • Don't got to Grays Casino, or in fact any casino ever. No good will come of it. 
  • When you qualify, and after you have finished Vocational Training, go and do some Postgrad and keep doing it. Seek out the best and learn from them. Do a Masters! Don't wait until your thirties to realise this!
  • In 2000 when you have the choice whether to go it alone or join Kevin Fieldhouse in practice. Have the courage to go it alone!
  • AND at that time go and get a coach to help, it will likely be Chris Barrow. It will be worth the money
  • learn to stop wasting time and money
  • Holiday more
  • Excercise more
There are also things I would talk to myself about regarding sexuality, but I think that needs a different conversation!

Thursday 8 January 2015

Things I love part 2

More things I love

  • Tolkein
  • Nespresso
  • Really rich Chorizo
  • The BACD
  • Suzy!
  • Jackie Wilson
  • Sweet peas
  • Westonbirt Aboretum
  • Birds of Prey in unexpected places
  • XXL on a Saturday night
  • Benedict Cumberbatch
  • The look you get when someone sees their new smile for the first time
  • The Poems of AA Milne
  • Magnolia in full bloom
  • The ideas and wisdom of Paddi Lund
  • and Tony Gedge
  • My world famous Ragu, when it has been left overnight
  • Vasilly Kandinsky
  • Marc Chagall especially his stained glass windows
  • Matthew Rush
  • MPOD Treasure Map Conference

Wednesday 7 January 2015

Things I Love

In no particular order:

  • Steve Timms
  • Parmigiano Reggiano
  • The smell of fresh limes
  • Newcastle United
  • A lovely bottle of Coonawarra Shiraz
  • Rory, Francesca and Erin Watson
  • The City of Newcastle upon Tyne
  • The Music of Mark Knopfler
  • Blackadder
  • My Mam and Dad
  • and sisters
  • and their families
  • Rachmaninov 
  • and Tchaikovsky
  • and Sibelius
  • Sausages
  • Hungarian Vizslak especially Denzil
  • Beacon Dental Care
  • especially Karen Sutton and our super team
  • Lake Como
  • the rest of Italy
  • Bratwurst
  • Kolsch
  • Ben Cohen
  • Peter Beardsley
  • Malvern Hills Brewery- Black Pear Ale
  • Orchids
  • Disco
  • Jimmy Somerville
  • Cookbooks
  • Georges Seurat espcially " Un baignade a Asnieres"
  • but also Sunday afternoonon the island of La grande Jatte
  • Alan Shearer
  • West Malvern
  • especially The Brewers Arms
  • Dental Mavericks
  • Tony, Cally, Mike, Chris, Jas, Nigel, Richard,Gill 
  • Lindt chocolate
  • Richard Briers
  • Double Deckers
  • Worcester Warriors
  • Stephen Fry
  • Gareth Thomas
  • Blueberries
  • Hue and Cry
  • My bed
  • Interesting modern art
  • Soho
  • My friends
  • The Malvern Hills
  • any other MHB Beer
  • Cheesy Oat Cakes
  • Moroccan Hoummus
  • Gourmet Burger Kitchen
  • England Rugby
  • and. Malvern RFC
  • Bill Bryson
  • Jack Daniels
  • Golf
  • Cycling
  • Squash
  • The Good Life
  • Cycling books
  • a really good curry
  • Spooks
  • Cinema
  • Espresso
  • Dolce de Leche Ice cream
  • Alan Turing and his amazing Legacy
might need part 2!

Sunday 4 January 2015

Goals for 2015

  • Take a proper holiday with Steve and my children, Florida preferably
  • Visit New Zealand at Christmas
  • Holiday with Steve
  • Continue to spend quality time with kids
  • Life with Steve to grow and thrive
  • Move closer together or indeed be together
  • Finalise an amicable divorce and maintain a healthy relationship with Katie
  • Complete the transformation of the structure of the practice
  • Work towards a bigger and better future for Beacon
  • Work hard in my BACD role
  • Be Debt free by the end of the year
  • Start to save properly
  • Increase my Orthodontic and Implant Skills
  • Start Facial Aesthetics training
  • Reduce Golf Handicap to 20
  • Weigh no more than 88kg on 31 December (currently 91.3)
  • Complete a triathlon
  • Climb a big mountain for Dental Mavericks
  • Get my health problems sorted out once and for all
  • Cycle more
  • Have a more regular gym routine

I shall repay my Parents
Visit Morocco with Dental Mavericks
I shall make a concerted attempt at being Gluten free
I shall sleep more and drink more water
I will reconnect with my oldest friends Richard and Kate, Naomi, Nick and Marion, Paul and Sandra, Susan, Fi, Claire and Guy- going to be busy

Saturday 3 January 2015

Reflections on 2014 and plans for 2015

I've had a few days since the end of 2014 to reflect on my year and look ahead to 2015 and make some new goals.


Quite a year, in particular order it was a year in which :

  • Met my soul mate and fell in love. Thank you Steve
  • Cycled 934 miles in 9 days, John O'Groats to Land's End, despite my lack of cycling experience, skill, speed and ability other than a headfull of stubborn bloody mindedness and mental strength. Thanks for the help-Sarah and Lawrence Herbert, Richard Marsden, Andy Ruffell, Gemma, Simon and ChrisBob from Denplan, Dominic and Alex for the advice and support, and Mark Oborn for the mental strength
  • Found myself pushed into standing for election, then astoundingly winning said election to the BACD Board of Directors. Thanks to Nishan and Paul Abrahams for nudging me and Suzy of course
  • Finally won a Private Dentistry Award- Best Charity Project- the best on to win by far!
  • visited Lords for the first time with my buddy Shameek Popat
  • Ate in a Michelin starred restaurant for the first time. Then did it again 3 weeks later...
  • Had the best day of my life celebrating Steve's birthday at Le Gavroche, Claridges and the Prince of Wales theatre. Thanks to Craig and Pratish, Monica Galetti and Davide.
  • Became a trustee of Worcester AIDS foundation, finally after putting it off for several years.
  • I moved back home to West Malvern
  • Reached an almost totally amicable agreement for my divorce
Not forgetting- an amazing Treasure Map conference with my whole team in January. Regular fantastic inspiration from my Royal Ruby Red family especially Tony and Cally
A great holiday in France with the kids and my Mam and Dad, even if we didn't have any good wine all holiday and the weather was consistently rubbish.
An unforgettable BACD conference.
Good times with my friends in West Malvern and at the Brewers Arms. The best Green Pear ever!
I work with the very best partner , Karen Sutton, and an amazing team.

On a less good note-
  • My health has not been great, no doubt stress related
  • Business has been very tough this year
  • I had to go on Leave of Absence from Rotary, which will most likely be permanent- so  chapter of my life is definitely closing
  • I could not join my Dental Maverick buddies in Morocco this year
  • My exercise routines became a bit rubbish in the second half of the year
  • money has been too tight

However, the future is looking good. My goals and hopes for 2015 will make for a separate blog, but to complete my "shit sandwich".
  • Next year I intend to be debt free
  • Take at least 2 holidays
  • Go to Morocco to work with Dental Mavericks
  • I will be divorced
  • My business will change dramatically, and I am very happy and positive about that
  • My health problems will be dealt with
  • I shall end the year at least 3kg lighter
  • I will complete a triathlon
  • Climb a big mountain
  • Get back on my bike
  • Visit New Zealand to see my family (at last)
  • Repay my parents (at last)
  • I will reconnect with old friends , before it is too late
  • I will sleep more and drink less alcohol and more water
Finally , nothing in any order,:

Best Films of 2014

The Hobbit
Sunshine on Leith
The Imitation Game
The Lego Movie

Best Books

Gareth Thomas' autobiography "Proud"
Brilliant Life by  Michael Heppell
More fool me by Stephen Fry
The Climb by Chris Froome
Seven Deadly Sins by David Walsh

Best Music

Sam Smith- In the Lonely Hour
Ed Sheeran= X
Jacqui Abbot and Paul Heaton- What have we become